It’s funny how you can forget how something fundamental comes into your life. I don’t remember if I found The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron while wandering down aisles in a book store (which I love doing), via a recommendation, or a random google deep dive, but I am grateful for this self-care tool. I have found especially as a creative, that brain dumps are crucial to clearing the channel for insights, inspiration, and creative flow. AM Pages or Morning Pages are one of many tools in The Artist’s Way manual to clear your creative channel and in turn create more, and with more ease. It is a great mental health tool and life hack for people in noncreative industries, to start the day with a clear mind. The practice of AM Pages has changed my life. Let me explain. 

Being a producer and creative, I am typically holding many balls in the air at the same time and constantly putting out fires, while expected to show up fully amidst it all (usually with lipstick on). This is typical for most humans in this modern age, especially I find for women, although this tool is in no way limited to any role. Life is crazy, we are dealing with a ton of information every moment via the internet, television, radio, neighbors, kids, you name it. At any given time most of us are distracted by an internal to-do list we are constantly checking off. So tools that help our brains process all of this are key to thriving in today’s digital jungle. The keyword is ‘thriving’ versus just surviving.  And heck, the more hacks we can incorporate to make life more enjoyable and ensure our ability to be in creative flow, the better!

Morning brain dumps to increase creativity, journaling, self care as a creative.

The exercise is simple, pick a notebook or journal just for AM Pages, and in the morning complete three pages of stream of consciousness writing. This is a daily routine of sitting down and writing whatever comes to mind. Even if it doesn’t make sense, write it down. Some days are difficult for me to sit there and do this, other days I could fill five pages easily. But no matter what shows up for you, the brain dump of this act, writing without judgment anything that is on your mind, will make you feel so much better after the fact. I find myself thinking clearer and being more creative after decluttering my mind in the morning with this practice.

These pages are not for anyone else but you. Don’t censor, let go of any judgment of anything that wants to come through your pen to page. One of the points of this is to encourage people to overcome the voices within and without that push negativity. We all deal with our inner critics, which can highly affect productivity. These are designed to help people break through their creative blocks and live a more creative life, as well as help with daily stressors from work to family. Anyone can start AM Pages to help with focus, direction and creative pursuits in life. There is no wrong way to do this. 

There truly is something magical about stream of consciousness writing, especially first thing in the morning with a nice cup of warm coffee or tea. Part of the magic of this process comes from pushing yourself to complete the three pages daily, especially when you don’t feel like it. I would love to hear what the experience is like for you if you choose to try Morning Pages. Or if you have found any other tools to make life easier, especially in creative pursuits, please share. Talk soon, and remember to take time for yourself today. Xo 

Journaling to increase creative productivity, self care as a creative.